Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Ladies day on Taymount

Ladies Day at Taymount complete with Butler.

Sandra Robbins fish on the fly from Tams corner

A very,very pleased Sandra Robbins with her 15lb long tail sea licer from tams corner on the fly!excellent fish to compliment your fine casting !! Well done.

Tony Stepney and his fish from Kil mou

Tony Stepney and his 14lb,der from Kill Mou on a 4" Kynock. Braw fish Tony!Well done.

Steve Vaner and his 16lber from the twin stones

St Huberts club 2nd fish of the week for Steve Vaner.The 16lb springer was caught and released on a 4" Kynock  at the twin stones.Well done Steve! fine ending to a Great Week.